Marketing your business on the internet is a great way to generate new leads and enquires, and ultimately increase your turnover. Getting started with an internet marketing strategy can be done very cost effectively. A great internet marketing strategy can produce a really positive return on investment, because generally the initial outlay can be kept relatively small.
It really makes sense to speak to an internet marketing professional before embarking on your first campaign, this can really help you to identify what it is you want to achieve from your strategy, and how to integrate the different elements of your internet marketing strategy to to achieve those goals.
Here are some of the things you need to analyse before you start your first campaign:
- Which main products and services are you promoting?
- What geographic areas are you targeting?
- What level of demand is there for your products and services in your target area?
- Is the strategy primarily focussing on lead generation, enquiries or on-line sales?
- Do you need a shopping basket or an e-commerce solution?
- What is your competition doing?
if you do not have a clear idea in your mind of what it is you want to achieve with your internet marketing strategy and how you are going to achieve it, the results will not be effective and even more importantly it can lead to costly mistakes if you need to change things in the future.
For example you may need to change:
- The structure and layout of your website
- The e-commerce solution you selected
- The software designed to add functionality to your website e.g. survey software
The knowledge that you have about your own business is invaluable when you are embarking on an internet marketing strategy, however marketing a business on the internet is completely different to traditional marketing. An internet marketing professional can take the knowledge that you have about your own business and translate it into an effective internet marketing strategy that really works at generating additional revenue.
Remember according to VISA €2.96 Billion was spent on-line by Irish consumers in 2010. That’s a lot of reasons to invest a little in an internet marketing specialist to help you to tap into that market!