Business Plan Development

Your business plan is the roadmap to your success.  It charts out the course for your business and will deliver many milestones along the way to allow you measure your current performance and assist in making future forecasts.  A comprehensive business plan will set out the targets on a daily, weekly and monthly basis and tie them into full year objectives.

All too often we find that people spend time working on a business plan that unfortunately gets consulted only rarely during the year.  The most common reason is that the business trading environment has changed so the new conditions are no longer compatible with the old business plan.  However, there are often crucial elements within the business plan that have not changed and because certain elements of it have become redundant, the whole document goes “Under the bus”.

The benefit of regular consultation with your business plan is to ensure that attention doesn’t only go to the “Problem child”.  We’ve all seen it before.  There’s a problem with one part of the business so all efforts are pumped into correcting that issue – but what happens to everything else?  Who’s still focussed on the elements that were quietly working away in the background?  Will they continue to work if attention is diverted from them?

We help draft business plans with a focus on having regular points in the year for the business owner to measure and assess progress.  If something is not working, it does not become the sole focus.  Instead, the business plan rationale is examined and it should be clear to the business owner where it has come off the rails.  If additional support and advice are required to identify this, EzSales are on-hand to come back to support the business owner and agree new practices or initiatives to fix the problem whilst looking at the functions that were performing to see if the revised principles could be applied to further improve performance in other areas too.